FERPA是联邦法律,管理学生的权利和机构对学生记录的责任. If you have any questions regarding any of the information contained herein, please contact BG体育, Office of 登记 and 注册服务 via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, commonly referred to as FERPA or the Buckley amendment, is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s educational record. FERPA适用于所有接受教育部长管理的任何项目的联邦资助的教育机构或机构.  FERPA also applies to private entities that contract to perform services for the College that it would 否则 undertake to perform on its own; in such cases, the private entity must observe the same FERPA protections applicable to the College. 


FERPA grants students the following rights:

  • The right to inspect and review their educational records
  • The right to seek the amendment of their educational records
  • The right to consent to the disclosure of their educational records
  • The right to obtain a copy of their school’s Student Records Policy
  • The right to file a complaint with the FERPA Office in Washington, D.C.


只有少数例外, 学生的教育记录被视为机密,未经学生的书面同意不得公布.



“Education Records” include any information or data recorded in any medium, 包括但不限于, 笔迹, 打印, 磁带, 电影, 电子邮件, 缩微胶片, 和缩微平片, 与学生有直接关系并由学院或代表学院的人维持的资料.

Examples of an Education Record include:

  • Admissions information for students who are accepted and enrolled
  • Biographical information including date and place of birth, 性, 国籍, information about race and ethnicity, 以及身份照片
  • 成绩, 考试成绩, 评估, 所修的课程, academic specialization and activities, and official communications regarding a student's status
  • Course work including papers and exams, 课程表, 以及书面的, email or recorded communications that are part of the academic process
  • 纪律记录
  • 学生' financial and financial aid records
  • 实习项目记录



  • BG体育 law enforcement records
  • Employment records when the employment is not connected to student status (e.g., a staff member who happens to be pursuing a degree at the institution, as opposed to a student employed under the work-study program)
  • Medical and mental health records used only for treatment of the student
  • 校友记录不涉及或不包含个人作为学生的信息(e).g., information collected by the College pertaining to alumni accomplishments)
  • “独资记录”一词旨在涵盖记忆辅助工具或参考工具. 它不是指包含学生直接提供的信息的记录,也不是指用于对学生做出决定的记录. As such, this is a very limited exception. 例如, 推荐学生参加某一特定项目的委员会会议的个人笔记,如果用于对学生做出决定,将不被视为个人拥有记录

When do FERPA rights begin and end?

A student's FERPA rights begin when the student registers for their first class.  The privacy rights of a student only expire upon the student's death.


Access to Student Education Records

在一般情况下, the College will not release "personally identifiable information" from a student's education record without the student's prior written consent; however, FERPA allows disclosure without student consent under the following circumstances:

  • 为履行职责而对档案有“合法教育利益”的学校雇员
  • Other schools where a student seeks to enroll or is enrolled
  • 认证机构
  • 组织 doing certain studies for or on behalf of the College
  • Appropriate parties to determine eligibility, amount or conditions of financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of aid
  • “受抚养学生”的父母," as defined in the Internal Revenue Code, when the parent has provided a notarized affidavit, 随附父母最近的所得税申报表的相关页面副本,表明学生的受抚养身份. Affidavits must be updated annually, 否则, prior written permission from the student is required
  • Certain government officials of the U. S. 教育部, 总审计长, and state and local educational authorities, 与审计有关, authorized representatives of the U. S. 司法部长负责执法或州或联邦支持的教育项目
  • Individuals who have obtained a judicial order or subpoena
  • 需要了解对学生采取纪律处分的学校官员
  • 在健康和安全紧急情况下,需要知道必要时保护学生和/或其他人的适当方
  • 指称的暴力犯罪或非强制性犯罪的受害者有权了解该机构对指称的犯罪人进行的纪律程序的结果
  • 信息 regarding any violation of College policy or state, 联邦或地方法律, 对于21岁以下学生使用或持有酒精或受管制物质的规定,可由其父母或法定监护人负责
  • 那些要求学生提供“目录信息”的人,前提是学生没有要求保留他或她的信息
  • 经认可的供应商/第三方营运商与书院签订合约提供服务



Directory 信息 / What does BG体育 give out?

BG体育 designates the following items as directory information:

  • 学生的名字*
  • 地址*
  • 电话号码*
  • 电子邮件地址*
  • 主修领域
  • 出席日期
  • 获得的学位和奖项
  • Participation in officially recognized activities
  • Most recent previous school attended
  • 照片

Because directory information is considered public, 如果学生没有要求目录限制,学院可以在未经学生同意的情况下将这些信息发布给任何人.

*The noted (*) items above can be specifically restricted by the student. 学院员工有责任确保在发布任何学生数据之前没有目录限制.

Restricting Release of 信息

学院可以向第三方披露其指定为目录信息的任何学生信息, provided that the student has not restricted such information from disclosure. 学生 must request a restriction through 登记 and 注册服务, which will remain in effect until the student requests a change. 希望限制自己名字的学生应该意识到,他们的名字不会出现在毕业典礼公告和其他学院出版物上. 除了, 第三方将被拒绝提供学生的任何目录信息,并将被告知我们没有关于学生在学院出勤的可用信息. Once a student has restricted the release of directory information, 未来发布的任何信息必须由学生以书面形式授权注册和入学服务.


根据其义务,学院每年通知学生他们在FERPA下的权利. 通知将通过BG体育的官方电子邮件发送给学生,并在此网页上提供. (见年度通知)


If non-directory information is needed to resolve a crisis or emergency, 如果学院确定该信息是“保护学生或其他个人的健康或安全所必需的”,则学院可以发布该信息." Factors considered in making this assessment include, but are not limited to the severity of the threat to the health or safety of those involved; the need for the information; the time required to deal with the emergency; and the ability of the parties to whom the information is to be given to deal with the emergency.


Questions related to FERPA should be directed to:

Registrar and Director of 注册服务
登记 and 注册服务
2800 S. 孤树路
Flagstaff, AZ 86005
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

学生 have a right to file a complaint with the U.S. 关于BG体育涉嫌未能遵守FERPA的要求.

U.S. 教育部