
We’d like to invite you to join us in these and other conversations about teaching and learning at CCC. The TLC will host the 网络研讨会s listed below throughout the Spring semester. We will be able to pay a set number of part-time faculty for their participation (usually up to 10; see below). Full-time faculty may still register for any of the 会话, of course, over and above that number.

请BG体育This email address is being protected from spambots. 您需要启用JavaScript才能查看它. if you have any questions and sign up early: registration will close a week before each workshop. Several of these workshops were offered in the Fall 2021.


By Various Facilitators | AZ QM Statewide Consortium | 2 week online workshop

在国际奥委会, participants learn the basics of QM and then apply the QM standards to their own course, creating an improvement plan that each teacher can apply to their course design.

日期 & 时报》: 5/24-6/7 Offered through the statewide Quality Matters Consortium

教师 (part-time and full-time) stipend: $520

Register for 改进你的在线课程


作者:Giovanna Macry | Teaching and Learning Center | 1 hour 网络研讨会

Learn new strategies to actively engage students to improve retention and application of learning. Strategies include ways to level up commonly used practices as well as adapt them for the Zoom learning environment.

日期 & 时间: TBD based on participant availability between 3/28-4/1

兼职教师津贴: $26



作者:Linda Neff, Colleen Carscallen, & Giovanna Macry |学习服务| 1小时. 网络研讨会

Design classroom assessments that give you useful feedback on what, 有多少, 以及你的学生学习得有多好! 在这个实用的网络研讨会上, we will share some of our favorite ways to approach the assessment of student learning.

日期 & 时间: TBD based on participant availability between 3/28-4/1

兼职教员津贴: $26

Register for 课堂评估技巧


作者:Giovanna Macry & Linda Neff | Teaching and Learning Center | 1 hr. 网络研讨会

Flip your classroom to improve attendance, 增加学生和老师的互动, and empower students with their own learning. In a “Flipped Classroom” students learn the primary material for the course independently outside of the classroom and then come to class prepared to engage with the content. In this 网络研讨会, you will learn how to design a flipped classroom.

日期 & 时间: TBD based on participant availability between 3/21-3/25

兼职教师津贴: $26



作者:Giovanna Macry | Teaching and Learning Center | 1 hour 网络研讨会

Improve assessment with 新的测验在画布. New functions include new question types, print functions, and accommodation settings. In addition, begin your preparation for the permanent transition from Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes.

 日期 & 时间: TBD based on participant availability between 3/21-3/25

兼职教员津贴: $26



By Linda Neff | Teaching and Learning Center | 2 x 1 hr. 会话 & 1 hr. 审查

Using the Marie Kondo Method for Decluttering, this learning circle will provide you with an accelerated course design process that will serve as a guide for the redesign of your 16-week course into an 8-week course. In the first session, we will review the course design process. 在第二届会议上, you will share your initial course map and curriculum design using the Marie Kondo method and any challenges you encountered. In the last session, you will share your completed course map with incorporated changes.

日期 & 时间: TBD based on participant availability between 4/4-4/8

兼职教员津贴: $78

Register for 用一半的时间上网 Learning Circle


作者:卢克·欧文斯|图书馆| 1小时. 网络研讨会

Help reduce higher education costs for students!  Begin to explore the world of open educational resources by learning what they are, 到哪里去找呢?, and how to evaluate them for use in your course.

日期 & 时间: TBD based on participant availability between 3/7-3/11

兼职教员津贴: $26




Service Learning, 社区-based Learning

By Linda Neff | Teaching and Learning Center | 1 hour 网络研讨会

Engage your students in high impact learning opportunities where they can learn real-life skills while also giving back to their communities. 服务学习, also called community-based learning combines instruction with meaningful real-life community service experiences. In this 网络研讨会, we will explore the logistics of designing a project in your area!

日期 & 时间: TBD based on participant availability between 3/21-3/25

兼职教员津贴: $26

Register for Service Learning, 社区-based Learning


作者:Giovanna Macry | Teaching and Learning Center | 1 hr. 网络研讨会

Deepen student learning through targeted use of simulations.  在模拟, students utilize content knowledge and higher order thinking to solidify learning via authentic activities.  We will discuss how to craft simulations in a variety of ways, and you will walk away with ideas to align a complex learning outcome to a simulation.

日期 & 时间: TBD based on participant availability between 4/4-4/8

兼职教员津贴: $26
