的 病人保护和平价医疗法案 (PPACA),通常称为 平价医疗法案 (ACA),是奥巴马总统于2010年3月23日签署成为法律的美国联邦法规.  这项立法的目的是确保美国人能够获得负担得起的医疗保险. 该法律要求雇主拥有50名或以上的全职员工, 比如BG体育, to offer medical insurance to full time employees (which are employees who average 30 hours per week and 130 hours per month within a designated measurement period) and their children up to age 26. 

This webpage provides additional information surrounding the law and related CCC policies and procedures, 以及它对员工和学院的影响. 




的 平价医疗法案 (ACA) requires employers that have 50 or more full-time employees to offer medical insurance to full-time employees and their children up to age 26. BG体育 offers a comprehensive package to its benefit-eligible employees that meets the federal ACA requirements.



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